National Bison Day – Bison on the Move – Stampeding

Bison Stampede Yellowstone National Bison Day Photography Packy Savvenas

My wife and I headed to Yellowstone National Park hoping to capture the elusive bison on this historic day, noticed here in Wyoming and in other northern states. We drove up to Yellowstone that day through the southern gate, but as we arrived we were told the park was closed due to weather conditions. (more…)

My Return to the Moose

Two Bull Moose Female Moose

A couple days prior, I got to photograph the biggest moose I have ever seen in my life. After seeing such a sight, I decided to head back to Antelope Flats in Kelly to look for the infamous big bull moose once again. (more…)

Pronghorn Antelope

Pronghorn Antelope Grand Tetons

This pronghorn antelope was taking up the road so I decided to herd him over to to the side. It was definitely worth this shot!

An animal that has no real predators but man…they can out run anything that would try to kill them…coyote…wolf…not a chance!!!

They can sprint up to 55mph!

Bull Moose

Bull Moose Antelope Flats Moose Grand Tetons

I happened to capture this guy yesterday! We waited for hours for him and his friend to get up. It was memorizing to say the least.

Golden Hour Geyser “Volcano”

Golden Hour Geyser Volcano

I’ve tried so many times to capture the sun setting behind the top of this geyser during golden hour. I never thought I would get it the way I wanted it to be.

I knew by watching the sun set it would have to be closer to fall in order to make it look like it was exploding from the top of the geyser.

So, I went out in the end of October and I was lucky no clouds around and a perfectly placed sun.

Every year I’ve been doomed by the clouds, this year played out perfectly!

So, I finally got my shot.